Bad Apple!! - Full Version w/video [Lyrics in Romaji, Translation in English] - YouTube 台灣有多所學校於上周末舉辦畢業典禮,不曉得你是否有去參加朋友的、或者自己就是要畢業的一份子呢?畢業季總是讓人離情依依,對現在和對未來都多了份期待與嚮往。而不只台灣,外國的畢業季也一樣到來,有位美國加州大學長灘分校的畢業生,她在畢業典禮後上傳了張照片到臉書,從而引爆話題,堪稱網路上最受矚目的畢業生。I did a montage of the video "Bad Apple!!" to go with the full version. The song is sang by Nomico. At some places, it's not lag. It's just the video that is slow down. ==How to see the subtitles== Those who are not familiar with the YouTube Captions, the...