Day in Pop Report - top pop music news stories of the day除了相戀的情人之外,對於最瞭解自己、彼此無話不談的異性朋友,女性大多被稱為「紅粉知己」,男性則稱作「青衫之交」。不過也由於友情的界線難以拿捏,朋友的「交心」也可能成為交往前的「曖昧」,因此「異性閨密」的存在往往會造成另一半的不安全感。為瞭解民眾是否介意情人有「異性閨密」,以及自身擁有「異性閨密」之狀(Radio.com) While apparently reformed bad boy Justin Bieber continues to rehab his image, some of his past transgressions have caught up to haunt the controversial pop star. According to The Daily Beast, Bieber has been found guilty of assault and reckles...