SlIP-ON SANDAL下身輕比重 夏日造型法則!
Badoo - Official Site 前期特別為大家嚴選今年最流行的黑白配色鞋款後,編輯部本回依據季節的變換觀察探討後,赫然發現了一波夏日新流行 – 下身輕比重!不論是韓國潮流ICON G-DRAGON亦或是時尚大國的日本英國街頭,都紛紛採用了懶人鞋與涼拖鞋做造型搭配,正要迎接酷暑的潮流人們趕緊跟上吧! 【editor_EBadoo - chat, date and meet with over 247 million people. Join our community and make friends in your area. ... Matches Play our popular Encounters game and get matched with other users. It’s a great way to break the ice and chat to new people....