泰國女子養倆豹子當寵物 每天村裡遛彎被逮捕
Amazon.com : Bag Balm Ointment, 10 Ounce : Horse Nutritional Supplements And Remedies : Pet Supplies 據泰媒《每日新聞》報道,根據民眾舉報,泰國清邁野生動物保護部門協同林業局等相關部門,3月6日持法院搜查令在訕柿縣一處民宅搜出兩隻豹子,分別為三歲雌豹和兩歲零八個月雄豹。48歲的飼主尼塔雅女士(Nittaya Yasilprasarn)把它們當作寵物圈養,涉嫌非法飼養野生保護動物被捕。for chapped conditions and superficial abrasions . Salve originally intended to soothe irritation on cows udders. It is used as a treatment for chapped and irritated skin on humans and can be found in drug stores and farm stores. Ingredients: 8-Hydroxyqui...