[影音] 高規格旗艦Audi A8 L 55 TFSI quattro
HOW TO GET MONEY BACK AFTER YOU BUY A FAKE BAG | eBay直以來用「進化科技、定義未來」做為口號的Audi,在睽違多年後推出的旗艦新作——第四代A8,究竟能不能憑藉其領先同級的電子化車用科技快步跟上對手,我們上路試了就知道! 在五星飯店門口,能見度最高的,當屬S-Class之流的旗艦房車。它坐起來舒適、開出去體面,更是大公司一級主管和中小企業老闆的最愛The first thing to do is contact the seller stating that you want a refund as the item is a fake and violates Ebay's policies If you have paid with Paypal, you should also advise the ......