Balance sheet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 地下溫泉?!假! 牛奶溫泉?!假! 咖啡溫泉?!假! 看完你還敢去泡嗎! (註:此為大陸新聞喔!) 震撼視頻在最後!看了真是又噁心又心寒~ 泡溫泉,本是一種愜意享受。去泡過溫泉的人都知道,如今溫泉是遍地開花,而且花樣又多,溫泉裡有「牛奶溫泉」,有「咖啡溫泉」,還有「紅酒溫泉」。 可是A small business balance sheet lists current assets such as cash, accounts receivable, and inventory, fixed assets such as land, buildings, and equipment, intangible assets such as patents, and liabilities such as accounts payable, accrued expenses, and l...