balb c nu nu mice

China Medical University, Taiwan 中國醫藥大學 研究發展處暨附設醫院醫學研究部 電子報太淺顯易懂了~簡直就是為我設計的啊!! 裸鼠 的發現,是由 1962 年英國格拉斯哥醫院 Dr. Grist 在非近交配的小鼠中偶然發現有個別無毛小鼠。1966 年後,愛丁堡動物研究所 Dr. Flanagan 證實這種無毛小鼠,是由於染色體上 nu 基因突變引起的。皮膚組織學和以往無毛小鼠不同,檢查發現因染色體退化 ......


Administration of Agents to Nude Mice - ALZET® Osmotic Pumps - Implantable pumps for research這學生太有才了...拍拍手 References on the Administration of Agents to Immunodeficient Mice Using ALZET ® Osmotic Pumps Q3338 Gmeiner,W.H., Lema-Tome,C., Gibo,D., Jennings-Gee,J., Milligan,C., Debinski,W. Selective anti-tumor activity of the novel fluoropyrimidine polymer ......


Commonly Used Mouse Strains - Research | University of Kentucky晚上,一位失業的顧問來到酒吧... BALB/cJ mice are frequently used for a variety of immunological studies, in part because they demonstrate TH2- biased immune responses. BALB/c mice are particularly well known for the production of plasmacytoma on injection with mineral oil, forming the b...
