動力再升級!BMW M4 CS 極速上路!
ChaCha - Official Site期待已久的的 M4 CS終於在上海車展中耀眼登場了,有鑒於GTS目前已停止生產,這款CS將為BMW接下來性能最優越的M4車型。這款新車有何不同之處呢?就先從引擎開始談起吧,BMW 這回將以往熟悉的 3.0L 直列六缸雙渦輪引擎做了優化,現在擁有 454匹馬力和 61.2公斤扭力,比起原本標準版 M4Sign up for ChaCha and you'll be able to easily get answers from thousands of ChaCha Guides on the Web and on your mobile phone, see your answer history, and stay up to date with the latest updates from ChaCha....