不要羨慕站在Emma Watson身邊的同學啦!她原來是...
Bank of America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia這兩天,網絡上頻現Emma Watson的倩影,事關5月25日那天,這朵英倫玫瑰終於取得英國文學學士學位,成功從Ivy League盟校Brown University畢業。畢業禮上的照片,不過在對著Emma犯花癡的同時,你又是否有留意到她身旁的便衣保鏢呢? 留意到Emma身旁的這位非常大姐的&ldBank of America (abbreviated as BofA) is an American multinational banking and financial services corporation headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. It is the second largest bank holding company in the United States by assets.[5] As of 2013, Bank of ...