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Barron's how to prepare for the toefl ibt近日,外國一名男子在跑步機上鍛鍊時,因分神看路過的美女,失去平衡而滑倒,跌個四腳朝天,連手中的水瓶也飛走。該名美女被聲響吸引回頭,滑倒男子見勢爬起裝作在練俯臥撐,美女冷冷看了一眼便掉頭離去。   事發在一間健身中心,一名身穿黑色運動服的男子原本在跑步機上揮灑汗水,背後突然出現一名穿著緊身褲Barron's how to prepare for the toefl ibt Document Transcript HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE TEST OF ENGLISH AS A l l T H EDITION Your Blueprint for Test Success Eight full-length model tests for the Computer-Based TOEFL One full-length model test for the Next .....
