barron's toefl ibt

博客來-Barron’s TOEFL IBT你還敢吃嗎~ Barron’s TOEFL IBT ... 本書為第12版,內附一片CD-ROM。 The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is now being offered as an internet-based test, or iBT, and the new edition of Barron TOEFL manual has been completely revised and updated to ......


開喜婆的英文教室: TOEFL綜合—Barron's - yam天空部落心的歷練! 除了哈佛老師們精編的講義書之外,認真的同學們常常想找更多自我練習的教材,開喜婆決定好好介紹幾本常見的托福類教科書,給大家可以參考,也歡迎同學們分享使用意見喔!第一本登場的就是「Barron's TOEFL iBT 2008」。...


誠品網路書店 - Barron's TOEFL iBT (13 Ed./+10 Audio CD)每天都在倒數! 本日最熱商品 Cambridge Grammar for IELTS (+Answers/CD) Hopkins, Diana/ Cullen, Pauline Cambridge IELTS 9 Self-study Pack: Student's Book with Answers (+2Audio CD) Cambridge ESOL Barron's TOEFL iBT (14 Ed./+CD/CD-R) Pamela J. Sharpe 中文版日本 ......


Barron's TOEFL iBT: Pamela Sharpe Ph.D.: Books超讚的啦! (back cover) Seven full-length model TOEFL iBT tests reflect the actual tests in length, structure, question types, and degree of difficulty Answers to all test questions, including sample essays and speaking responses A review of required academic skills...
