basic science of nuclear medicine

ScienceDirect - Official Site 一天,一位法官的妻子看見兩個蚊子,便叫丈夫:「你快打死那隻蚊子!」 只見丈夫只把那個肚子飽飽的蚊子打死了,卻對那隻肚子乾癟的蚊子遲遲不下手, 妻子滿臉疑惑的問:「為什麼不把那隻蚊子也打死?」 丈夫板著臉正經的回答說:「 證據不足。。。」ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. Explore journals, books and articles. ... Articles published in our Open Access journals are made permanently free for everyone to access ......


Office of Science - Official Site 傻子有一個很幸福的傻子,有著一位美若天仙之妻子,平日生活很優閒,某日,夫唱婦隨,一起遊山玩水,不幸在山上遇到土匪,土匪頭看到傻子的妻子長得如花似玉,竟然起了淫念,於是便在地上畫了一條線,警告傻子不能超過那一條線,否則便要把他們夫婦一起殺死,可憐的妻子便被土匪頭子給凌辱了,正當傻子的妻子被凌辱,忽然Science Headlines RSS View All » Autonomous Taxis Would Deliver Significant Environmental and Economic Benefits 07.07.15 New Berkeley Lab study finds lower greenhouse gas emissions on per-mile basis for driverless cars deployed as taxis. Read ......


Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging - Official SiteAttention: Critical Development for Nuclear Medicine Profession SNMMI members and the nuclear medicine community should be aware of a discussion taking place that is of critical importance to the profession of nuclear medicine. Click above to read more....


About CERN | CERN 你說說看 你說說看! 這還能怪誰~  At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. They use the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments to study the basic constituents of matter – the ....


University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences - Official Site 童鞋們 開學惹嗎?  The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) is Arkansas' only comprehensive academic health center with outreach programs operating in every county and a regional campus in Northwest Arkansas. In addition to our hospital and clinics, UAMS ......
