4 Easy Ways to Delay a Batch File - wikiHow - How to do anything為什麼沒有帶我一起去 父親回憶他在童年時代:“那時候真好,在野外捕蟬,到溪中撈蝦子,整天睡在草地上,無憂無慮真好!” 孩子睜大眼睛,聽得入神,忽然哇的一聲哭了出來。 “怎麼啦?”父親驚訝地問。 “我不要啦!你為什麼沒How to Delay a Batch File. Need to delay an action in your batch file? You can set your batch file to wait until the user signals he or she is ready to continue, or you can set your batch file to wait for a set amount of time before......