bat if else example

[Solved] If Else If ... for Batch - Computer Tech Support Forum - Windows - Linux - Mac - Computin  那你很有情 ♀趣哦   做, 愛做的事,交,配交的人。   顯然,日本美少女插畫師 Misaki Tanaka也是這麼想的,她不但這樣想,而且還把心中有關男女之間的曖昧互動,通過自己的畫筆完美呈現。       Misaki本人 &nbThanks for the reply! The example I gave was a "if else if" one (as I called it): if 1==2 (echo a) else if 1==3 (echo b) else if 1==4 (echo c) else (echo d) if it was represented in "nested if", it would have been if 1==2 (echo a) else (@if 1==3 (echo b) ...


If … Else in Batch file 上網久了,正常的圖片都不會看了,遇事都往污的方面去想...不要看旁邊,說的就是你!   這是颱風的行進路線,你覺得呢?     在飛機上怎麼可以...咦?     大庭廣眾之下竟然...哦     這只是正常的電視節目,可是在你Y es, I just refuse to use PowerShell (just yet). I know that powershell can do this and that and god MSFT knows what not but with all these bells and whistles doesn’t come at cheap price. I mean if something works just fine and smooth then why you actual...


if statement - How to use if - else structure in a batch file? - Stack Overflow    言在意外, 情在畫中。   創意攝影   世界上有兩種男友, 一種會拍照,一種不會。 這兩者的區別在哪呢?   先來看看不會拍照的男友       世界上最殘忍的卸妝水, 莫過於男友手裡的相機。   &I have a question about if - else structure in a batch file. Each command runs individually, but I couldn't use "if - else" blocks safely so these parts of my programme doesn't work....


command line - Windows batch file if else usage - Super User ▲新娘拍這張結婚照從頭到尾沒有笑過。(source:tjfer,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 如果你的愛人有一天光榮地從戰場上歸來,但是卻面目全非,你還會像以前一樣這麼愛他嗎?不管是否愛與不愛,有時候道德的壓力和社會的輿論,可能會迫使一個人做出自己不願意的選擇,最後也是苦了雙方而已。From the if documentation on the command line. The ELSE clause must occur on the same line as the command after the IF. For example: IF EXIST filename. ( del filename. ) ELSE ( echo filename. missing. ) The following would NOT work because the del ......


batch dont work! "if file exist, run, else, exit" - Programming (C++, Delphi, VB/VBS, CMD/batch, etc▲情趣寶典啊!(source:jean_jullien,下同)   大家好,我是煞氣編。 今天我要跟大家介紹一位法國的情趣插畫家Jean Jullien,煞氣編可是非常崇拜他可以畫出如此多的情趣插畫,我覺得他的經驗一定是非常豐富啊!?我真的是非常羨慕他啊,不過我想從法國這個浪漫之國的出來的You should have just tried my example, I have answered this question two posts back. 1) double check your parenthesis (), as they need to go around both commands before the "Else" statement. Follow the sample I posted. It is tested and working. 2) include...


if statement - IF EXIST C:\directory\ goto a else goto b problems windows XP batch files - S       來源:燴設計(ID:multidesign)     說到主題餐廳 從一本正經到畫風清奇 那是各花入各眼 而日本東京涉谷區 就有這麼一間很有問題的餐廳   日本監獄醫院餐廳 妥妥的18禁啊   餐廳內部細節打造無微不From the help (if /?): The ELSE clause must occur on the same line as the command after the IF. For example: IF EXIST filename. ( del filename. ) ELSE ( echo filename. missing. ) The following would NOT work because the del command needs to ......
