bat if else

[RESOLVED] batch: IF ELSE STATEMENT - CodeGuru Forums提到越獄就讓小編想起小時候看過的一部電影,刺激 1995, 不過那真的是很遙遠很遙遠的記憶了(遠目), 沒想到現實生活還真的有牢犯挖洞越獄,只不過這個是 GG 的失敗版本XD, 巴西的某座監獄,就有牢犯利用金屬管趁著半夜拼命挖洞, 覺得挖得差不多可以逃了...結果沒想到肚子肥油太多,竟然卡卡惹~~~IF ELSE STATEMENT Since there is no else statement in Batch script. How do I by pass that? I want this script will ask for a name if the name doesn't match the input. The name will be hardcode, so the person who run it doesn't enter his/her name everythin...


If … Else in Batch file 編輯一向都很佩服那些可以不顧形象或超越極限的人…而這些精采的時刻如果被擷取,拍攝紀念照更是一種超棒的回憶;不僅以後會很懷念,更是造福廣大網友,留給大家歡笑的好心情。來看看這些平時難得見到的超酷照片吧! 這隻是…最新機器兔?! 看完只想說:「wow~好辣!!」(在場的男士Y es, I just refuse to use PowerShell (just yet). I know that powershell can do this and that and god MSFT knows what not but with all these bells and whistles doesn’t come at cheap price. I mean if something works just fine and smooth then why you actual...


command line - Windows batch file if else usage - Super User 太好笑了!輪胎哥你很幽默歐~~~~~~~~~  Sorry I am new to this stuff. I'd like to run in a certain sequence the same bat file with different parameters. I wrote a very simple batch file: @echo off REM Note: to see all command line usage ... From the if documentation on the command line. The ELS...


if statement - How to use if - else structure in a batch file? - Stack Overflow 想為你的日常沐浴增加樂趣嗎?想讓你的浴缸充滿色彩嗎?近日,日本流行用熒光棒裝飾浴缸,為你的沐浴打造別樣的浪漫氣氛。這一創意提出後迅速在日本走紅。在過去的幾天裡,許多人都嘗試了這一創意,並將他們用熒光棒“點燃”浴缸的照片上傳到網上。如果你有觀看演唱會或聚會後留下的殘留熒光棒,I have a question about if - else structure in a batch file. Each command runs individually, but I couldn't use "if - else" blocks safely so these parts of my programme doesn't work....
