Advanced BAT to EXE Converter - Official Site - Freeware encrypt compile batch files to .EXE with Ex從前有個員外,他姓周,他有很多個老婆,其中一個也是他最愛的一個長的國色天香,但她很愛外遇有一天,他要出遠門,大概一年多,於是他對他的僕人說:[我出遠門的期間你要好好的看著我的老婆,不許他與別人亂來]過了一年,周員外回來,他問:[我那國色天香的老婆這幾個月他有沒有跟男人亂來?]他的僕人說:[沒有,她只FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Why should I use Advanced BAT to EXE Converter? Advanced BAT to EXE Converter is the first and only compiler that will work for all complex batch files without the need to make specific changes to your script based on ......