batch for loop f

Cranky Bit » Why That Batch For Loop Isn’t Working 男友打開冰箱,看到女友精心排成的甜蜜蜜情意!Time for another fun foray into Windows batch scripts. Perhaps you've used the FOR /F command to loop through the contents of a file (for instance, perhaps some data that was redirected to a text file from a command). Grab a line, act on its values, and o...


Exiting out of a FOR loop in a batch file? - Stack Overflow 支離破碎的內褲,這樣勤儉持家太難得了!Why does this batch file never break out of the loop? For /L %%f In (1,1,1000000) Do @If Not Exist %%f Goto :EOF Shouldn't the Goto :EOF break out of the loop? Edit: I guess I ......


scripting - Get filename in batch for loop - Stack Overflow 嘻嘻!搶到好位置了了!When Command Extensions are enabled (Windows XP and newer, roughly), you can use the syntax %~nF (where F is the variable and ~n is the request for its name) to only get the filename. FOR /R C:\Directory %F in (*.*) do echo %~nF should echo only the ....


BATCH FILE: loop inside a for loop - Computer Tech Support Forum - Windows - Linux - Mac - Computin 雙人枕頭若沒你,也會孤單~ 棉被再厚若沒你,也會畏寒~I just took a look at your script and noticed you use the same index (%%i) in either the inner and outer loop; so change the inner index with e.g. %%m and see if it works. @echo off setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f %%i in (input.txt) do (set var=%%i...


File path and name with spaces in batch file for loop | Articles :: Batch Files | Celtic Productions 這是一款Iphone極具搞怪的創意充電器。設計師將充電器充電器做成一條大腸的樣子,並在充電的過程中慢慢地蠕動,同時發出吞嚥的聲音,就好像在慢慢地吞噬你心愛的Iphone。是不是很搞怪?This short article describes how to use file names with spaces in your batch file for loops without encountering the traditional problems. Handling complex file paths is essential to producing robust and stable batch applications....


In Windows, a batch file with a recursive for loop and a file name including blanks - Super User 求求你給我一個女朋友吧!I have a folder tree, like this (it's only an example, it will be deeper in my real case): C:\test | +---folder1 | foo bar.txt | foobar.txt | +---folder2 | foo bar.txt... ... Without the recursive switch, you can tell FOR not to print the quotes: for ...
