batch rem

REM command - Put a comment in a batch file    如果人跟物對調...     香蕉: 喔 ~ 原來是人皮阿 (怎麼覺得好驚悚阿)                         &Purpose: Put a comment in a batch file Format: REM [comment ] comment The text to include in the batch file. See also: COMMENT. Usage: The REM command lets you plac...


BAT - 批次檔使用心得 (三) - 張小呆的碎碎唸- 點部落活埋是怎麼演的 .....批次檔除了可以可以傳入參數外,也可以在執行時輸入參數,只能說真是太神奇了(迷之音:是你太孤陋寡聞了...)。以下寫一個小範例來接參數,並且將顯示在畫面上的資訊,寫到一個文檔中... Code: ECHO OFF...


BAT批次檔案語法 | Time goes by….. 你有像你媽媽一樣的雙眼 副檔名是bat(在nt/2000/xp/2003下也可以是cmd)的檔就是批次檔案。 ==== 注 .bat是dos下的批次檔案 .cmd是nt內核命令行環境的另一種批次檔案 從更廣義的角度來看,unix的shell腳本以及其他作業系統甚至應用程式中由外殼進行解釋 ......


Hide REM lines from showing in a batch file. 好下流的乞丐 Steps on how to hide REM lines from showing in a batch file. ... You are here: Help > Computer software > Batch files Hide REM lines from showing in a batch file The REM command only remarks the line from being executed....


DOS Command: REM - DOS the Easy Way Guide to MS-DOS 全新字型─腿毛體 The EasyDOS Internet Guide to MS DOS ... REM The description below is from the book DOS the Easy Way by Everett Murdock Ph.D. CLICK HERE for information about downloading the book....


Rem - Comment | Windows CMD | - SS64 | Command line reference外面很熱 ...相信我 .....!!REM In a batch file REM at the start of a line signifies a comment or REMARK, alternatively adding :: at the start of a line has a similar effect. For example: @ECHO OFF:::: First comment REM Second comment REM Echo Hello REM This remark is displayed by ....
