Batman Movie - Batman Begins, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, Trailer, Pictures, W歷史問題有一次歷史考試 出了這麼一填充題:黃帝建都(有熊)堯建都( )舜建都( )小明的考卷上寫道:黃帝建都(有熊)堯建都(有獅子)舜建都(有老虎)我沒看到你某甲駕車過十字路口時闖紅燈被警察攔下警察 : 你沒看到是紅燈嗎?某甲 : 有啊警察 : 那你為什麼不停車?某甲 : 因為我沒看到你......Batman Movie is YOUR one-stop source for all Batman stuff! Current Batman Begins movie news, plus an archive of info on all the other Batman movies and animation series: Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman and Robin....