Li-Ion Battery Charger Circuit Using IC LP2951 | Homemade Circuit Designs Just for You 日本是一個瘦子占主流的國家,個別胖友們在瘦子們眼中,是一種另類的存在,甚至: 還想對他們徵收「肥胖稅」! 一位日本網友在女性論壇Girl's Talk投稿,希望肥胖者乘搭交通工具時,多付一人份的車費(肥胖稅),結果引起上萬網友參與討論,甚至還上了新聞評論節The following post explains a very simple yet safe Li-Ion battery charger circuit using just a single IC LP2951. Unlike lead acid batteries one good thing about the Li-Ion batteries is that they can be charged at 1C rate initially. It means the charging c...