Bay Vista Baptist Church » Connecting People to God | Connecting People to One Another | Connecting @words by 情趣用品女王SallyQ@photos by 馬壅@styling by 許宜惠 雖然靠著美胸出位搏版面的外籍藝人,沖田杏梨不是第一位、也不是最後一位;但是不同於一般性感藝人,踏入這個圈子的理由,讓人不得不放棄胸大無腦這樣的既定觀點。就讓SallyQ 帶領大家深入了解女神降臨人間Welcome to Bay Vista: As the Gulf Coast grows, many people are finding a church home at Bay Vista, and we hope that you will worship with us soon. Whether you have attended church regularly before, or it is a brand new experience for you, we want you to f...