科技大躍進 小改款發表 Bentley Bentayga V8
BlackBerry Z10 review | TechRadar - The latest technology news and reviews, covering computing, ho● 新家族化外型 ● 數位儀錶與10.9吋螢幕 ● 無線Apple CarPlay / Android Auto ● 國內上市時間:9月30日 ● 售價:1,080萬元起 國外今年7月才發表,總代理永三汽車便迅速地於9月底發表了小改款的奢華休旅Bentley Bentayga V8,讓國內買家能夠感BlackBerry Z10 review | Two months after launch, we've returned to the BlackBerry Z10 to find out what's changed. Reviews | TechRadar ... The BlackBerry Z10 was the first handset from the company formerly known as RIM, now renamed BlackBerry, to run its n...