BlackBerry Z10 review | TechRadar - The latest technology news and reviews, covering computing, ho 作者:肖卓 來源:桌子的生活觀 (ID: zzdshg) 20歲之前不漂亮可以怪天生,20歲之後不漂亮要怪自己。一個人的身材與容貌,就是意志力與修養力的體現。 我常常在想,人的容貌是一開始就命中注定的,還是可以通過後天的努力來改變(除整容)? 如果可以,那要有多努力? BlackBerry Z10 review | Two months after launch, we've returned to the BlackBerry Z10 to find out what's changed. Reviews | TechRadar ... The BlackBerry Z10 was the first handset from the company formerly known as RIM, now renamed BlackBerry, to run its n...