bbc learn english news

Learning English - Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation 「Hut」這個字,英文的解釋是「小而簡單的房子或建築」,而我們認知的與理解的房子,應該要有牆壁、屋頂、大門,是一個可以遮風避雨的溫暖空間。而現在,加拿大多倫多的建築事務所 Raw Design,顛覆我們對於房子外觀形象與既定概念上的認識,以「NUZZLES」這件作品,拿下「Warming Hut Free videos, recordings and quizzes to help you learn about and practise English pronunciation Introduction Learn about Pronunciation ... Latest content BBC Learning English's new site Home Prison bank Words in the News Butter up The English We Speak...


BBC - Official Site紐約將建世界最高摩天輪,計劃約為自由女神像的兩倍高。紐約市市長佈隆伯格公開表示,這座位於斯坦頓島的觀光景點將耗資2億3千萬美元,計劃中的摩天輪將達到625英尺,約為190米。這座紐約摩天輪將超過443英尺(135米)的倫敦之眼摩天輪以及541英尺(165米)的新加坡飛行者摩天輪,置身其中中可以俯瞰整Breaking news, sport, TV, radio and a whole lot more. The BBC informs, educates and entertains - wherever you are, whatever your age. ... Shared 1 IS 'erasing history' in Nimrud, Iraq 2 The man who posted himself to Australia 3 The girl who gets gifts fro...


BBC News - How many hours does it take to be fluent in English?    一支火柴能幹嘛呢?除了點個馬上熄滅的小火,要不就是學小女孩許個願?但是上萬支火柴能幹嘛呢?藝術家Patrick Acton告訴你,能做的事可多了!可以蓋城堡、教堂、戰艦和太空梭呢! Patrick Acton從小就對木頭工藝很有興趣,但直到畢業後親手建構出一個教堂和一艘軍Immigrants are always being told by politicians to learn the language. But how long does it take to speak good English? There are plenty of people in the UK for whom even basic English is a problem. According to the Census, 726,000 people in England and W...


bbclearningenglish - YouTube相信所有人都很羨慕一目十行,過目不忘的人,對於錢鍾書、比爾蓋茨等名人過目不忘的褒獎,實在是出於對他們勤奮的肯定,然而世界上也真的存在類似的人,當然這種能力反物質界稱其為異能,醫學界稱為病。這種病乃世間罕見的“超憶症”! 英國一20歲男子即患有“超憶症”Grammar, dramas, news, pronunciation, vocabulary, music, interviews, celebrities and you. We have everything you need to help you speak English. Subscribe to BBC Learning English: Visit our website: http://www.bbclearningengli.....


Learning English - Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation - BBC大家對Sony的相機應該不陌生,這次Rachel和Nina去韓國走跳時,就是使用「Sony RX100」畫面真的是超超級美的啦~而Sony每年舉行的Sony世界攝影大獎(Sony World Photography Awards),更是全球攝影界大事,每次的照片都好令人期待~   BBC Learning English's new website ... Words in the News. Vocabulary from the news ... The English We Speak....
