bbc learning english 6 minutes

Learning English - How to... - BBC - Homepage用電腦軟體去掉美女比基尼的方法~這,你行...效果真的很不錯,方法不困難,只要稍微懂一點小畫家的使用方式,只要有心,您也做的到~   先來看看試範圖片!!~~~       讓我們看看效果唄!!~~~~         How to ... ask the time What if you are at a bus stop and you need to know what time it is now? How should you ask a complete stranger? ... How to ... discuss Language to use when you're having a discussion Topics include: making suggestions, making a poi...


Learning English - The Teacher - BBC - Homepage 資料來源In series 6 The Teacher introduces idioms related to Transport. Wagon On the wagon; jumping on the bandwagon; falling off the wagon Road Let's hit the road; middle-of-the-road; a long way down the road Wheels Reinventing the wheel; asleep at the wheel; th...


6 minute English with transcript videos - LinkEngPark The BBC 6 Minute English is one of the best weekly podcasts for English learners, especially if you learn with this efficient transcript videos. ... The BBC 6 Minute English is one of the best podcasts for English learners. is updated week...


BBC News - How many hours does it take to be fluent in English?Immigrants are always being told by politicians to learn the language. But how long does it take to speak good English? There are plenty of people in the UK for whom even basic English is a problem. According to the Census, 726,000 people in England and W...
