Audi引領全球車用數位規則 CES Asia大放異彩
BBC Lifestyle - Official Site 看準亞洲市場潛力,全球規模最大的國際消費電子展移師上海舉辦首屆亞洲消費電子展(CES Asia)。Audi身為本次唯一受邀至CES Asia發表專題演講的汽車品牌代表,即以「進化科技 定義未來」的品牌精神,擘劃出「大數據時代」下的城市移動風貌,更明確指出「數位化」早已與每個人的生活密不可分。AUDThe BBC Lifestyle TV channel is currently available in the following countries. Please select your region from the list below. ... BBC Lifestyle is currently available in the following countries. Please select your region from the list below to go to the ...