bbc news video

BBC News - One-minute World News這幾年來社交網站Instagram大流行,許多明星也不吝於在網站上分享他們的生活。而其中最讓人津津樂道的就是這些明星的素顏照,許多「天生麗質」的大明星紛紛在Instagram上放上他們剛起床或是未出門的素顏照,美麗的照片似乎在想粉絲們宣告:「老娘底子好,素顏沒在怕的啦!」 是的,這是Lady GagWatch the latest news summary from BBC World News. International news updated 24 hours a day. ... Video Home US & Canada Latin America UK Africa Asia Europe Mid-East Business Health Sci/Environment Tech Entertainment Video Media playback is ......


BBC News - Home不論帥氣程度與球技,C羅是當今球壇與梅西Lionel Messi分庭抗禮的兩大巨星,擁戴的人多,厭惡的人相對不在少數,免不了被醜化、惡搞的命運,只是連廣告廠商都要參一腳,就令人始料未及。 梅西Lionel Messi曾遭媒體詛咒,把人偶插針的照片放在頭版,C羅則是被百事可樂惡搞,但引起軒然大波,讓該Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. Also entertainment, business, science, technology and health news....


BBC NEWS | Help | Welcome to Video and Audio from BBC News.搶當最靚海灘女孩還需要將全身曬得黑通通嗎?又想維持住白皙膚色,但不想被人笑是白斬雞,美周報聽到你的心聲。兼具健康氣色又能白皙美麗的海灘妝容,就讓我們為你達成,專業彩妝師Vicky將告訴你美美海灘妝的幾個小秘訣,不需要誇張多彩的妝容,只要一點彩妝心機,你也能不費吹灰之力,輕鬆擊潰海灘性感辣妹。 中央打A problem has occurred loading the BBC News Player - Help for users without JavaScript enabled. ... SHARED READ WATCHED/LISTENED Footage of moment tsunami hit Japan Video shows Bieber drink drive arrest Justin Bieber appears in court Crocodile's ......


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BBC Motion Gallery知名歌手R.Kelly 的女兒近日在她的社交網站上公開她的變性宣言,並且宣佈她的名字從現在起改為「Jay」。他在社交網站上說自己雖然生理上是女性,但早在六七歲時就知道自己想當個男孩,他雖然很想進行變性手術,不過由於他現在才14歲,所以可能還得等個幾年。 針對他的變性宣言父母的反應不一。Jay的媽媽AGlobal education clip sales and short form education video licensing remains within BBC Worldwide under the BBC Worldwide Learning brand. Please contact one of the BBC Worldwide Learning team with any questions: We look ......


BBC targets social media users with Instagram video news | Media | theguardian.com夏天已經來到!這次要跟大家推薦的是 Beats Solo™ 2 耳機,超多顏色肯定可以在夏天耀眼無比。 這款Beats耳機充滿色彩元素,是第一款具有獨特噴砂表面和反射式Beats標誌以及配有耳杯、耳機線和頭帶的耳機。Solo HD頭戴式耳機非常緊湊,盡可放入您的秋季手袋之中,可傳送BeatThe BBC has made subtle changes to its video news services in recent months, including "selfie" pieces to camera filmed on mobile phones being incorporated into mainstream broadcast packages. "We want the process to be organic, and we're keen to trial ......
