DADA 春假活動第一發 終生VIP免費申辦 僅此一檔
Bridge Base Online 春假不一定要前進墾丁!DADA 4月春季活動第一發!讓你不想要去春吶!4/4 ~ 4/6只要到全台DADA直營門市,即可免費申辦終生會員。全鞋款8折、服飾5折起、指定包款鞋款有你意想不到的限定價!這三天如果沒到DADA門市一趟,只能說虧大! 大家都關注的DADA 全新終生會員機制,將於明天起正式啟If you are a brand new member, you need to create a username/password for yourself. This needs to be done only once. After you have created a username for yourself, you use it each time you log in, and you don't need to create another one. The following p...