為什麼是法式長吻,而不是美式 英式或中式呢
BBs RS: Wheels | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles, Coupons and More | e 法式長吻(French kiss)和法國有關係麼? 其實,這個問題,歪果仁也不懂! 美國問答網站howstuffworks提問:法式長吻真源於法國嗎? 外國知乎 QUORA提問:為什麼法式長吻叫法式長Find great deals on eBay for BBs RS in Wheels. Shop with confidence. ... A new set of shiny BBS RS wheels can turn any hunk of junk into a Mona Lisa of the streets. BBS RS wheels feature a three-piece design which splits the rim into a face, lip and cente...