Sto:lo Nation原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 喵妹跟萌友提過好多次了~ 就是關於動畫中幕後工作人員「聲優」這一個工作有多重要 為角色注入靈魂之外也著實治癒著我們的心靈對吧! 所以聲優這個工作也越來越受到粉絲們的關注 這次票選出”最能帶給人治癒感的女性聲優排行榜” 讓人感受到這就是天使的聲音啊***HEALTH ALERT*** 6 July 2015 Stó:lō Nation Health Services is advising everyone to take note of the health warnings regarding the heat and poor air quality at this time. There are currently 178 wild fires burning in BC and there is a provincial fire ban...