bear footprint

Little Bear - Little White Skunk / Mother's Day / Little Footprint - Ep. 49 - YouTube老天~~!!!原來是這樣 Little Bear and Owl find marshmallow, a white baby skunk who's lost. The pair become her adopted parents for the day until she's returned to her family. Subscribe to Treehouse Direct for new clips, episodes, and more!


WWF Hong Kong - 氣候變化猜猜看....!!! 氣候變化是本世紀全人類最大的威脅。燃燒化石燃油產生二氧化碳、自然森林遭受破壞均導致全球暖化,帶來災難,構成生存威脅 - 除非大家正視問題。 氣候變化的影響威脅全球,香港亦不能獨善其身。世界自然基金會與個人及本地社區組織尋求對抗 ......


Polar Bear Week - Take the Next Step! | Polar Bears International這招真的不錯...而且可以一勞永逸!!!!XD It’s early November. It’s cold. It’s snowy. And polar bears are waiting for the sea ice to form. It’s Polar Bear Week! Polar Bear Week provides polar bear enthusiasts with seven full days of celebrating their favorite arctic animal. The event coincides wi...
