Beats Pill XL vs. Bose Soundlink Mini (housetrack) - YouTube 這幾天你們是不是頻繁看到郭富城結婚的消息,真是讓人沒想到啊,今年已經五十一歲的郭富城居然結婚了,而結婚對象正是之前「開車慢一點的」網紅女友方媛。 很多網友表示,這網紅當得讓人服氣啊~不過,今天小編要說的這位網紅才是真正的人生贏家,一人得寵,全家包養... Although both are completely different type of speakers, nevertheless many asked for a comparison between the Beats Pill XL and Bose Soundlink Mini, so here it is: David vs. Goliath! To tell the truth, I cannot say which is "better". The Beats Pill XL is ...