High Quality Headphones | Beats Studio from Beats by Dre #NEWBEATSSTUDIO陳先生騎著一輛摩托車到了一家加油站加油 突然一陣風把他頭上的帽子給吹掉了, 於是他便向加油站的小姐說: 「小姐小姐你幫我加油,我去撿帽子。」 於是便快步地跑到馬路上去撿, 這時背後傳來一陣加油聲, 原來是加油站小姐邊鼓掌邊大聲叫喊著:「加油!加油!」 深夜,醫院急診室的電話鈴聲響起.... 「醫生,Beats Studio headphones are the icons that bring you sound the way it was originally intended, with unparalleled audio quality and built-in remote. ... Rated 5 out of 5 by JMalek Nice! My original studios were giving me problems where the left earcup woul...