How to Stop the Itch of Bed Bug Bites | eHow那天我一個醫院的案子總算完工驗收了,照慣例,業主總會請吃個飯。席間免不了討論一下彼此行業的差異,礙於工程尾款還沒領,一時也不方便說啥。不過回來想想,我們行業之間的差異還真的蠻大的。雖然當時是個 "俗辣",不敢說啥,現在還是得說說醫師那一行比我們營造這一行好多了......你還沒開始幹活就先收掛號費我If you wake up in the morning with swollen, red and itchy skin, it is possible your sleep was disrupted by bites from bed bugs. While bed bug bites are harmless, the itching that accompanies them can lead to a bacterial infection, if you continue to scrat...