Bed Bugs Guide - How to Kill Bed Bugs我有一個親戚常常把安全帽掛在車上,他懶得每次帶回家,再加上他又住在鬧區附近,所以他安全帽的失竊率超高,從九百塊一頂到九十九塊一頂都有人偷。可是他又超有原則,絕對不偷拿別人安全帽。所以常常在安全帽被偷後未帶安全帽,騎車去買安全帽的途中,就被鬼鬼祟祟的警察攔下開單(屢試不爽),任憑你怎麼解釋安全帽剛被偷Welcome to the Bed Bugs Guide - a guide to how to kill bed bugs. This is the place to come if you've got a bed bug infestation or are worried about them. The site will tell you everything you need to know - what bed bugs are, why they're creeping around i...