belgian beer cafe barrel

Belgian Beer Specialist - 這..也太粗壯了吧!!讓我不爭氣的笑了!!!!XDD De Pandoerenhoeve in All About Beer Magazine A short piece I wrote about one of Belgium’s great beer drinking spots, Cafe De Pandoerenhoeve and Heemerf Kaasstrooimolen, has been published in the July issue of All About Beer Magazine, on this page, as part...


La Trappe Cafe | Belgian Bistro & Trappist Lounge 倩兒發現,身邊每天笑瞇瞇且覺得自己很幸福的朋友身邊的男人或許不一定是大家所公認的好男人但是,他們都有一個共同的特點那就是可以讓另一半變更好的男人好男人跟可以讓你變得更好的男人這兩者,到底有什麼差別?我想,我們常定義的好男人或許都是可以為你分擔很多的事情可以很貼心的為你打理生活細節可以在你累的時候為Belgian Bistro & Trappist Lounge (by Mike A) ... Fantome de Noel – Fantome – A very dark and entirely unique holiday seasonal saison style beer. Reportedly spiced with honey, caramel, coriander, black pepper, and other secret ingredients. – 10% abv...


Vedett Extra White | Belgian Beer | Beer Tourism 這小女孩她13歲!!!!!  看來營養攝取的很充足... Information about Vedett Extra White, a 4.7% ABV Belgian premium wheat beer brewed by Duvel Moortgat. ... The Beer Wheat beer is an inseparable part of Belgian beer culture. No surprise then, that, after the success of the Vedett Extra Blond, the Vedett E...


Belgian Beer | Beer Tourism 某天倩兒跟朋友一起吃飯從來沒交過男友的她,終於戀愛了除了為她開心以外同時她也跟我分享第一次談戀愛的患得患失當然這話題中不免又提到了『前女友』前女友好像是每個人戀愛中的一根刺防不勝防,拔也拔不完但是,當我們在「拔刺」的同時是不是也意味著,對自己缺乏自信的一種表現?曾經,我交過一個男友在交往過程中,他A guide to the best beers that Belgium has to offer including details about ingredients, beer style, availability, culinary use and alcohol content. ... Vedett Extra Blond Duvel-Moortgat has been brewing export pilsners for many years, and right up to the...
