Ben Nye's Halloween Makeup Kits - Special Effect Supply Corp Main Page, unique special effects, 話說在之前,宜家推出了一款迷你娃娃床, 這款迷你床本來設計初衷就是孩子們的玩具,作為孩子們玩具娃娃的床,自然也不會設計得太寬大,基本尺寸就是這樣的... 因為是兒童玩具,所以設計上也沒有太複雜,基本就是幾個螺絲和釘子,簡單的組合在一起。 &nUnique selection of Halloween Makeup Kits ... Note: Not all Ben Nye Items are in stock. Please allow us three to five business days for stock transfers from the BN warehouse. This policy assures fresh and new makeup....