Benetton Formula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 金髮大概使世上最難駕馭的髮色之一,據說只有1%的人適合這樣的髮色。如果你很幸運的剛好適合,你絕對很有機會被稱為時尚達人。然而,一個不小心,如果你剛好很不適合( 99%的人都不適合),不但會被別人罵「台」,還有可能讓別人覺得你的頭髮很粗糙、沒質感。 以下經典男星都曾留過(或現在仍然是)金髮,而他們為Benetton Formula Ltd., commonly referred to simply as Benetton, was a Formula One constructor that participated from 1986 to 2001. The team was owned by the Benetton family who run a worldwide chain of clothing stores of the same name. In 2000 the team wa...