變身超級英雄!美國運動品牌Under Armour和漫威Marvel合作 推出4款英雄系列運動服飾│
Mercedes-Benz international: Sports Fashion TV Design Vehicles History每每在電影中看見超級英雄逆轉局勢、正義得以伸張之際,男士們心中是不是也激起了滿腔熱情呢!繼去年美國運動品牌Under Armour推出「Under Armour英雄系列服飾」後,造成不小話題熱潮!而今年美國運動品牌Under Armour再度加碼,帶來全新四位漫威英雄,共有美國隊長、蝙蝠俠、鋼鐵人以The new C-Class Estate Vehicles Generous in every respect. The new C-Class Estate is distinguished by its extensive range of space, service and safety features. Watch Film The new GLA. Always restless. Vehicles With the new GLA Mercedes-Benz combines ......