best lens

The Best Canon EOS Lenses - Bob Atkins Photography不要坐在欄杆上...   my "Lensplay" website and some of the links may take you there. Of course there are many criteria for what's the best lens but here there are three sets of "best lens" data sorted by both price and overall rating. Just because a lens doesn't appear on ......


Nikon's 10 Best Lenses我每天都要思考三個重大問題:1.早上吃什麼2.中午吃什麼3 晚上吃什麼。  每逢節假日只需要思考後面兩個問題。   This is not only the world's best 24mm lens, significantly better optically than the LEICA SUMMILUX-M 24mm f/1.4 that costs three times as much, it's also an extremely useful lens. If low light is your interest, I'd suggest getting this 24mm f/1.4 instead...


Best camera, Best DSLR, Best Lens, Buyers Guide | Cameralabs哪一個大家最喜歡呢? Looking for the best DSLRs, point-and-shoot cameras, lenses or accessories? Check out my Buyer's Guide and reviews! ... If you're shopping for a new digital camera, lens or accessory you’ve come to the right place! At Camera Labs I write in-depth reviews...


Best Lens看到這個,好震精。難道這就是傳說中的叼那星,星發克,我當時就內牛滿面了。。。   ... Sigma 50mm F2.8 EX Macro Lens for Minolta-AF Camera Today Sigma 50mm F2.8 EX Macro Lens for Minolta-AF Camera For Sale Best Sigma 50mm F2.8 EX Macro Lens for Minolta-AF Camera Collections ......


Best lens: how to choose the ideal optic for your camera | Digital Camera World人生最鬱悶的四件事: 尿尿吡一鞋… 喝湯灑一襠… 放屁崩出屎… 擦腚摳破紙… 人生最尷尬的四件事:在朋友家拉屎… 沒紙… 在朋友家拉屎… 有紙… 沒水沖… 在朋友家拉屎&heOne of the reasons you bought a DSLR or compact system camera was so you could change lenses. These 9 lens tips will help you pick the best lens for your needs ... Are you thinking about buying a new lens for your DSLR or compact system camera?...


Nikon's Best lens, by - 器材資訊討論區 - 攝影疑難/器材探討區 - JackySir攝影健康 ...- Powered by Discuz!【送禮金太俗氣】現在都流行打白條了!!   This is not only the world's best 24mm lens, significantly better optically than the LEICA SUMMILUX-M 24mm f/1.4 that costs three times as much, it's also an extremely useful lens. If low light is your interest, I'd suggest getting this 24mm f/1.4 instead...
