The Best Canon EOS Lenses - Bob Atkins Photography 這才是男人應有的擔當!!---------------------------靠北婆家原文:某個星期五老公比我早回到家,看到廚房水槽有4副碗筷我跟著進廚房他問我今天沒上班嗎?不然怎麼會有碗筷?我說你見鬼了嗎?我比你早出門晚到家,你問我沒上班嗎?老公又說: 所以碗筷????我板著臉說:&nmy "Lensplay" website and some of the links may take you there. Of course there are many criteria for what's the best lens but here there are three sets of "best lens" data sorted by both price and overall rating. Just because a lens doesn't appear on ......