多受一次傷, 心就跟著變膽小了一點|肆一
Best flowchart apps for iPad: What you need to map your mind and diagram your data! | iMore 你跟著才發現,大多數時候,人會越來越能忍受傷痛,一次、兩次……更多次之後,你會越來越能適應,就像是某種進化一樣。你習慣了痛的存在,它是你的一部分。但是,只有愛情不一樣,它讓人越來越害怕,只要多受一次傷,心就跟著變膽小了一點。甚至,你開始覺得自己再也不會復原了。更多肆一好Looking for the best iPad apps to help you turn mindmapping and creating charts and diagrams into less of a headache? If you're giving a presentation or just in the beginning stages of starting a project, flowcharts and diagrams can be immensely useful wh...