best of ces 2014

Presenting our Best of CES 2014 Awards winners摩托羅拉公司,每位外籍員工昨天發了粽子.今天有個老外很感慨的說:你們發的點心很好吃,謝謝!.......就是外面的生菜有點硬 !Curating the Best of CES Awards as an official CEA partner is not a responsibility we take lightly. Finding plenty of worthy finalists was easy, but narrowing down each category to just one winner? Not so much. Nevertheless, we spent two nights in the Eng...


Best of CES Awards 2014 | Digital Trends - Digital Trends | Technology News and Product Reviews軍中] 當兵演習前的遺書  有一天,保防官過來交代保防官:你們下禮拜就要去演習了,叫阿兵哥各寫一封遺書跟家書,放假前長官要看。我:怎麼跟我講啊?保防官:你是代理輔導長啊。於是當我在晚點名時跟大家宣布了這件事,當然是幹聲連連老兵A:X的,要去演習就已經很幹了,還要寫這鬼東西。老兵B:我已經2We came, we saw, we drank in the very best tech CES 2014 had to offer. After revealing our Best of CES 2014 nominees in 15 different categories on day one of the show, we slept (very little) on our decisions, roamed the show floor again, and now we’re bac...


The Verge Awards: the best of CES 2014 | The Verge不是春光一天,同學和哥哥一起上街,裙子突然被大風吹起來,同學驚慌地按著揚起的裙子大喊:「天啊,春光外洩了」哥哥白了她一眼說:「拜託,家醜外揚吧」▼ 只欠東風媽媽:「胖妞,還不去洗澡」 胖妞:「水還沒放滿啊」小弟:「坐下去就滿了啦。」▼作弊在我高一的時候,我們學校月考,班上有人作弊。那時候我Another year. Another CES. Another chance to find out what it feels like to truly be alive. Alive and in Las Vegas. In Las Vegas and at the Consumer Electronics Show — a phantasmagoria of light,... ... Best gaming: PlayStation Now PlayStation Now wasn’t a...


The 10 Best Gadgets of CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in 2014有三個小孩在比誰的爸爸比較快! 第一個小孩說:「我爸最快了!他可以在桌上的咖啡杯掉到地上前把杯子接住。」 第二個小孩說:「我爸爸才快呢!他去打獵,在五十公尺外射中一頭鹿。在鹿倒地前他可以衝上去扶住!」 第三個小孩說:「那算什麼?我阿爸是公務員,每天下午五點下班,他四點半This year’s CES unveiled a ton of new gadgets, but most of them aren’t that interesting. Here are the ones that we liked the best — just the most interesting gadgets and gear that ......


The Best Gaming PC Cases of CES - 2014 Case Round-Up | Gamers Nexus - Gaming PC Builds & Hardware Be有一天,一名大學教授到一個落後鄉村游山玩水,他僱了一艘小船遊江,當船開動後教授問船夫:『你會數學嗎?』船夫回答:『先生,我不會。』教授又問船夫:『你會物理嗎?』船夫回答:『物理?我不會。』教授又問船夫:『那你會用電腦嗎?』船夫回答:『對不起,我不會。』教授聽後搖搖頭說道﹕『你不會數學,人生目的已失去Best Mid-Range Gaming Cases of CES 2014 ($100-$170) True mid-range cases are in a sort-of sweet spot between the ultra-budget, cheaply-made offerings and the overkill you'll find below (see: In-Win D-Frame). Unlike last year's "event of small innovations,...


Best of CES 2014: Hottest Notebook Tech of the Year昨天去上班的時候,在路上雷殘(滑倒摔車)往休旅車撞下去,也還好沒什麼事只有膝蓋有點擦傷車禍的瞬間,有兩個傳教士在路邊也目擊我車禍我把車牽到一邊之後,檢查車子有沒有漏油傳教士就靠過來講話我以為他要問我說剛剛的車禍還好嗎他卻說哈囉你好 你相信有神的存在嗎?幹你娘The Best of CES awards represent the best notebooks, gadgets and technology shown off in Las Vegas. CES 2014 represents a continued shift to ... The Chromebook 13 also comes with all the trimmings of a premium Ultrabook, including two USB .....
