best practice

Best practice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 日本侵華戰爭爆發以後,伴隨著戰爭的日益激烈,日本政府開始考慮''確保人力資源和培養人力資源”。1938年(昭和十三年)1月,日本出台了《母子保護法》,製定了“母子育成策”,公開打出“努力繁殖!努力生育!”的口號,並據此推出了一係列針對女性A best practice is a method or technique that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark. In addition, a "best" practice can evolve to become ......


best practice是什么意思_best practice的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线词典   是這樣嗎?! 如果兒子問你這個問題你又會怎麼回答呢? 結婚後一定有很多需要磨合相處的難關,但這一定是最甜蜜的負擔啦  轉: 歐罵馬粉絲團  爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供best practice的中文意思,best practice的用法讲解,best practice的读音,best practice的同义词,best practice的反义词,best practice的例句等英语服务。...


BEST PRACTICE MANAGEMENT   這樣的說法很傷老婆的心吶,不過小編還是笑了。 笑笑就好,無傷大雅 男人們雖然嘴巴上會這麼說,心裡還是很愛老婆疼老婆的吧!Best Practice & Benchmark : Best Pratice Management is the true face of business today. It is a publisher, marketer and conference organiser. We publish Best Practice Managementmagazine and Best Practive Yearbook. We market a wide range of practical ......


Best practice | Easy to understand definition of best practice by Your Dictionary   這句話實在太機智了 小編的房間也常常忘記整理,下次有朋友來作客就當是邀請他來博物館吧!   轉: Funny Storybest practice definition: The definition of best practice means a proven way of doing something that is better than all others and is used as the approved process. (noun) An example of a best practice is a food company's most successful way of making ketc...


What is best practice? - Definition from   世界上各個地方總會出現一些科學無法解釋的現象,散發出陰森詭異的氣氛,傳出許多恐怖的傳言讓人感到害怕。而這些地方也許就隱藏在你居住的地方,你有膽靠近嗎?1.羅馬尼亞Hoia Baciu森林這裡被稱為羅馬尼亞的百慕達三角地帶,附近的居民稱,在森林的中心有一塊空地,通向神秘世界的入口,走進A best practice is a technique or methodology that, through experience and research, has proven to reliably lead to a desired result. A commitment to using the best practices in any field is a commitment to using all the knowledge and technology at one's...
