The 100 best Canadian songs ever on CBC Music 當日,匈牙利大力士希恩考・若爾特在匈牙利首都布達佩斯的李斯特・費倫茨國際機場,憑借牙齒的力量將一架50噸重的空客A320飛機用52秒鐘時間拖動了39.2米,從而創造了一項新的匈牙利紀錄。據悉,希恩考將申報吉尼斯世界紀錄。當日,匈牙利大力士希恩考・若爾特在匈牙利首都布達佩斯的李斯特・費倫茨國際機場,Jun 30, 2014: LISTEN audio Listen to songs from CBC Music's epic list: 100 best Canadian songs ever We've updated the gallery above with songs … ... Since you are supposedly counting down the 100 greatest songs and not the 100 greatest recordings, I ......