Your life, your body, make it better. 熱戀的時候,男人抱著女人睡。女人說:你抱得我太緊了,我快窒息了。男人笑著說:喜歡抱著你,否則我睡不著。當他們成為夫妻以後,有一天女人投訴:你晚上睡覺都沒抱著我,這和我—個人睡有什麼分別?男人說:抱在一起,大家都睡不好,難道你不覺得嗎? 某天,男人會突然在鬧市中把女人抱起,走長長的一段路Celebrity diets, like celebrities themselves, get a lot of attention. But are these eating plans really all that special? Yes and no. Yes, the ones that work are solid. But the ones that don’t are a complete waste of time. Kind of an obvious judgement, ri...