Beyond – Free listening, videos, concerts, stats and pictures at Last.fm 今天這個故事的女主,叫Cindy Moore,就是下邊照片里的這個... Cindy 今年31歲,19歲那年認識了她的男朋友... 倆人交往了十多年,孩子都生了倆... 就在最近... Cindy打算跟男朋友舉辦婚禮,正兒八經成為夫妻前... 但卻意外發現... 男票其Watch videos & listen free to Beyond: 海闊天空 - Introduced by Beyond, 情人 & more, plus 66 pictures. There are multiple artists under the name Beyond : 1) Beyond is a revolutionary Hong Kong band that emerged in the mid-80’s. Young and ......