Battlefield 2 (BF2) 64 player single player mod, 64-maps. (DOWNLOAD LINK) - YouTube小明開著自己的車子和妻子去蜜月旅行,結果在半路上車子引擎突然熄火,小明修理半天,車子還是不會動。看著小明滿頭大汗,妻子安慰他說:「前面不遠的地方有間汽車旅館,我們先去那邊住一晚,明天早上起來,車子就 會自己好的,不用擔心。」小明說:「那是還沒結婚之前的事,這一次車子是真的壞掉了!」 我要影This is me playing playing BF2 but not the usual, I have a mod that allows me to play up to 64 players (including me so 63 bots) and on 64-sized maps too, its very fun and VERY good practice for online, the AI seems really good. Download link: http://www....