bf2 bot ratio

Bot Ratios - coop mode - Battlefield SinglePlayer Forum 哦...我是不是該減肥了?Coop Bot Ratios explained ... Many who are new to coop in battlefield 2, find themselves with grossly ... Finally always keep your BOT RATIO on 100 for this sytstem to ......


AIX Co-op Bot Team Ratio - Battlefield SinglePlayer Forum   要邀我跳舞要排隊喔!Iv edited a few files to give the server around 90 bots. But the issue i ... Co-Op Bot Ratios Thread. And where ... BF2 Frequently Asked Questions Thread. Go to the top of ......


Auto-Balance Bots, not Players? - Battlefield 2 Message Board ...     當你開始模仿別人的時候 你就等於說輸了!! (不過對方還是被你氣的牙癢癢的XD)        行動版 - I thought bot ratio determined how many bots were on each side? I.E 100 will make all bots go to red, ......
