bf3 beta

Battlelog / Log in - Battlelog / Battlefield 4你花了幾秒呢? 看出來以後再怎麼看都看得出來喔! 看不出來的可參考下面留言… 秒懂的請面壁十秒!XD 提示:一個女人     圖片來源Battlelog is a stroke of genius. I am beyond impressed, and highly welcome the change. Tweet from jason_patrick_ Brilliant. By far my favourite new feature! Much more user friendly than other stat tracking portals in other games. Tweet from xbuttonkill Ad...


Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3從前有一隻蝸牛,它掉落一個10米深的古井白天蝸牛可以向上爬3米,但晚上會下滑2米問:這隻蝸牛需要多少天才能爬上這個古井? 答案↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓&daBattlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 and lets you socialize, track stats, plan your next game, and more from your web browser!...


Best Tank Shot In the History of BF3 (BEST PLAYER) (EPIC) - YouTube 最近收到了許多訊息.... 尼瑪!不管他們有沒有問題,對於一條蹬自行車上班的人來說,這個問題太桑自尊啦! 再看第二條私信: 哥們,你真是夠糾結的!對於你這種情況,我其實很想說:割了吧! 第三條: 其實我真正想說的是:有些人只會到真正受傷的時候才發現自己錯了,但前女友的事,跟你已經沒有關係了! 第四Hello everyone! Yestherday I was looking at the scoreboard and I saw the Best Vehicles Player made a video and I asked him if I could upload it on my channel so I can show it to you guys. This guy is amazing with all the shot he do! It's beating my 2 othe...


Battlelog前面花了十篇談到誘惑關係的評價模型及其相關的一些人性心理探討。整個話題延續到現在我們已經談了整個誘惑評價模型、談了沉沒成本、談了挑戰者所面對的不利因素。那到此為止看起來,感情延續與否的根源問題似乎並不在於誘惑、也不在於背叛、而僅僅在於價值判定。所以從目前的結論來看,價值似乎決定了一切。 (圖:資料圖Battlelog...


Battlefield 3 Tips & Tricks for Noobs NEW | BF3 Guide For Beginners Online Gameplay Xbox 360/PS3/PC 男人這輩子挺難的:   找個漂亮女人吧,太操心, 找個不漂亮的吧,又不甘心; 光顧事業了,人家說你沒責​​任感, 光顧家了,人家又說你沒本事; 專一點吧,人家說你不成熟; 花心點吧,人家說你是禽獸; 有錢,說你是壞人, 沒有錢,人家罵你窩囊廢; 自己奮鬥吧,等有錢了女友也老了, 讓女人養 I'll show you how to get in first place with 15 or so multiplayer tips and tricks in 15 minutes in Battlefield 3 (BF3) on the Xbox 360 (also on PS3, PC). The gameplay video shows off an awesome match in BF3 while I do commentary, explaining...
