bgi tech launches human whole exome sequencing ser

Exome sequencing-driven discovery of coding polymorphisms associated with common metabolic phenotype“老公,你在哪?”“我在辦公室加班呢 ”—— 加班?回来跪搓衣板吧   Aims/hypothesis Human complex metabolic traits are in part regulated by genetic determinants. Here we applied exome sequencing to identify novel associations of ... Methods The study comprised three stages. We performed medium-depth (8×) whole exome ......


News GCLab在床上用筆記本——〉30分鐘後.....有同樣情況的請轉發。   **NEWS** (Media inquiries: Woolly Mammoth Genome Study Brings Us A Step Closer To Cloning Ice Age Giants (Tech Times, 7-Jul-2015 | Jill Arce) The Worldview 100 (Scientific American, 6-Jul-2015 |) Nanopore Sequencing ......


Application of Next-generation Sequencing Technology in Forensic Science 兒子問爸爸:”爸爸,為什麼我沒有弟弟妹妹呀?“正在看報紙的爸爸聽後,氣不打一處來,咆哮道:”誰叫你不早點睡? “ 。。。。【嘿,早點睡吧】   In forensic science, standard STR typing provides sufficient discrimination power for most applications, and most countries have already established large-scale forensic DNA databases for resolving crimes based on STR technology. Although the use of whole...


News Bulletin of International HoloGenomics Society【外表活潑內心孤僻人的8個特徵】1、手機不離身;2、對待不同的人有不同的性格;3、從小懂得很多道理;4、有時候很神經,有時候很鎮靜;5、 會因為別人一句話傷心,但不會被發現;6、安慰很多人,但自己卻沒人安慰;7、會懷念從前,討厭現在;8、有時候會笑的沒心沒肺,有時卻很沉默。你是這樣的嗎?我好像只中了The Next $100 Billion Technology Business Forbes Matthew Herper Dec. 30 2010 That headline is the cover language from the current issue of Forbes magazine – for a story I wrote about DNA sequencing and, particularly, about Jonathan Rothberg and his new .....


Genome & Genetics News from GenomeWeb這海報會不會都有點怪怪的?GenomeWeb is an online news organization serving the global community of scientists, technology professionals, and executives who use and develop the latest advanced tools in molecular biology research and molecular diagnostics. Covering Genetics News ......


News Bulletin of International HoloGenomics Society奶奶,你孫子掉了。。。Genome Informatics, Globalized; - USA - China - Korea - India Francis Collins (in Bangalore) How much does the US spend on medical research? Typically, the NIH invests $30 billion every year. But I should say the budget's been about there for almost eight...
