Online Conversion - bhp to hp每年,谷歌都要在愚人節做一些出格的事。谷歌的多個部門能比其它科技企業造出更多的玩笑,似乎他們的愚人節預算沒個上限。讓大家很難跟上他們的節奏。因此,我們搞了這個總結。 谷歌魔術手 首先,谷歌日本介紹了這個魔術手,一種新的手機輸入裝置。簡短來說,你不再需要親自操作手機,魔術手會幫你做。 &Re: bhp to hp by Robert Fogt on 07/10/05 at 18:15:58 bhp is the symbol for Brake Horsepower. It is just a way to measure the horsepower a vehicle. Basically it is just a brake attached to the shaft. Since horsepower is the power output, and brake horsepow...